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Predictive Site Survey achieves excellent results

Mine sites are continually moving and opening new pits, sending drills, dump trucks and excavators to new territory and often, into black spots. In mining, every millisecond counts, so maintaining RF coverage is critical.

  • Are your assets placed to give you the best coverage and performance?
  • Do you have equipment working near black spots?
  • Have you made changes to site and need to relocate your repeater trailer?

If you answered YES, to any of these questions, you need a predictive site survey!

Site surveys determine the required layout of access points (APs) to meet a site’s operational or design goals, such as coverage, performance and user capacity.  In addition to “active” site surveys that are based on actual on-site measurements, Acubis also conducts “predictive” site surveys.  Predictive surveys provide increased confidence for AP quantity and location, to ensure maximum RF signal for your operation.

When Acubis conducts a predictive site survey, we simulate various deployment scenarios considering factors such as site area and terrain, antenna models and number of assets.  We also has the ability to add hundreds of subscriber units to simulate real world communications requirements.  Compared to guesswork often involved with other wireless site surveys, our predictive methodology provides unprecedented reliability, greater correlation between prediction and measurements and ultimately, the best coverage for your site.  Getting it right the first time ensures the right number and location of APs which eliminates costly call backs or need for further installation equipment and effort.

Acubis predictive site surveys ensure peace of mind for your workers and operation. In just a few hours, we will predict locations for repeater trailers and your assets, to ensure you maintain active radio, data and voice comms across your site.

Benefits of Acubis predictive surveys

  • Cost competitive
  • Accurate
  • Time efficient
  • Detailed reports

For more information on Predictive Site Surveys, call Acubis on 1300 660 676.
